Design & Lifestyle Blog

13 Feb ’11

Mher Krikorian| Photographer from Lebanon

Mher Krikorian is a young talented photographer from Lebanon. I came across his work after following him on twitter and realizing his passion for what he does best, hang around Beirut and “Shoot with his Canon”.

His input is very touching, through his “Life is Awesome” collection, not only did he attach pamphlets with his own words, he spread them in a way that made passersby smile and even if for a moment, think of how “awesome” life is.







On his blog you will find very touching photos of areas around Beirut especially in the Lebanese-Armenian community which he comes from. A hard working community we all respect and look up to.

To see more of his work you can check his blog and facebook page.


  1. I appreciate it much Thank you sahar !

    Comment by krikOrian — 13 Feb ’11 @ 7:35 am

  2. This is pretty cool 😀 keep it up man always!

    Comment by anistabetreviews — 13 Feb ’11 @ 7:58 am

  3. Yes, that was quite moving!

    Comment by mimokhair — 13 Feb ’11 @ 8:58 am

  4. YAY!!! LOVE his work!

    Comment by This is Beirut — 15 Feb ’11 @ 7:49 am

  5. The Smac decided to create a photographic exhibition on the theme “beaches of the world
    “, which covers the entire coastline of Nord Pas de Calais France ( 120 km). To do so, we invite
    professional and amateur photographers so that we allow one to reproduce their works on
    canvas 1m x 1m or of 1 mx 1.50 m, a total exposure consists of a hundred photos. These
    are available at gaze of tourists and inhabitants of the coast during summer 2012. photos
    would be set by the technical departments of cities, dams or buildings municipal
    adjoining beaches, from early July to late August 2012. The theme “beaches of the world”
    is broad: landscape, people, architecture, anecdotes, techniques, lights, effects ….
    Several works can be selected by artist. Apart from the appeal of the photographic image,
    the desire is to create cultural spaces ephemeral in moments of leisure that are the
    beaches of the summer: surprise the viewer where he least expects it, where it is
    available. the project also offers mediation activities, around the publication of a
    catalog (2 pages per artist) and meetings with professionals, to help decipher and decode
    the photography, ubiquitous in our society. With the support of the device “Culture and
    territory” of the Regional Council of Nord Pas-de- Calais, the agency communiication
    Sakkamoto, we chose an experimental basis our region to start this new project. We are
    seeking 10 towns and cities ready to accept them (under negotiation) It is IMPERATIVE
    that the photos (300 dpi at 45 cm x 33.3 cm or 33.3 x 33.3 cm square) will arrive by mail
    at : smacmail before June 10 deadline. We count on your participation.
    Freddy Pannecocke, Project Officer,

    Comment by pannecocke — 5 Jun ’12 @ 6:25 pm

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