Design & Lifestyle Blog

19 Aug ’10

My First Post

Filed under: General — Sahar @ 3:59 pm

This is an introductory post for those wondering what this blog really is about.

I wanted this blog to be a resource yet a fun approach to everything related to interior design, furniture, and all other items that contribute to making our life more beautiful. Posts related to food & well being as part of this enhancement will be posted as well. I am a bit shaky at the beginning of this journey, hope you will come along and share your views.

There will be regular and organized posts by day of the week to encounter issues such as green architecture and design, designers from around the world, tips for designing, inquiry section, even daily life enjoyments such as food and its presentation.

Can’t wait to share with you 🙂

Sahar 🙂


  1. Nice sketch….
    Are there going to be horoscopes??

    Comment by Pierre — 19 Aug ’10 @ 4:27 pm

  2. Very nice Sous! I can't wait to read your posts! Good luck!

    Comment by Miss Farah — 19 Aug ’10 @ 11:05 pm

  3. sahar waiting for design tips,

    Comment by hiba — 31 Aug ’10 @ 6:16 pm

  4. Great blog You started it with some great ideas.

    Comment by Daily star signs — 22 Jan ’15 @ 1:38 pm

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