Design & Lifestyle Blog

19 Feb ’11

From My Kitchen |Chocolate Chip Cookies| Recipe

Filed under: From my Kitchen — Tags: , , , — Sahar @ 10:00 am

This has to be the easiest and fastest Chocolate Chip cookies recipe ever. I would go through the “from scratch” versions but most of the time I am in a hurry I try to make up the use of cake-mix by using omega 3 fortified eggs and additional ground walnuts to minimize  the “unhealthy” factor.

For this recipe you need:

1 box of yellow cake mix

2 eggs (free range or omega 3 versions are preferred)

1/3 cups butter softened (I use Lurpack light and sometimes combine with Elle & Vire 75% fat-free)

1/3 cup ground walnuts

1 packet semi-sweet chocolate chips



Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Mix the cake mix, eggs, and butter until smooth. Add the ground walnuts, mix well, finally add the semi-sweet chocolate chips.  Mix well and scoop spoonfuls of the batter on cookie sheets or baking trays. The cookies should remain soft in the center, which is why the tray will need around 8 minutes not more. Below I will include a variation you will really like.


Recipe Variation: Double Chocolate Chip Cookies with a “cake inner texture” so it’s a cross between a cookie and a brownie.

Recipe is derived from the one listed above with a couple of differences:

1 box of chocolate cake mix (it can be cocoa cake mix, devil’s food, or fudge chocolate cake mix)

3 eggs (free range or omega 3 versions are preferred)

1/3 cups butter softened (I use Lurpack light and sometimes combine with Elle & Vire 75% fat-free)

1/3 cup ground walnuts

1 packet semi-sweet chocolate chips

As for the instruction it’s the same as above. Trust me you will love it!


Bon Apetit !


  1. Yummmmy yummy for my tummy!

    Comment by This is Beirut — 19 Feb ’11 @ 10:04 pm

  2. I just ate lunch and saw this 😛 and i want from thiss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by krikOrian — 20 Feb ’11 @ 11:46 am

  3. By the way , this is a special recipe, when I was still in Beirut, I had many people come over just to have cookies:) I never run out :D:D

    Comment by Sahar — 20 Feb ’11 @ 7:47 pm

  4. Wait a minute!

    You have been tempting us with all those design inspirations over the past months… and after I close my mouth in “Awww-ment” I chase away the idea of “too fancy to afford”, “when I have my own place” and “maybe one day”.. but when it comes to cookies… it’s a totally different perspective!

    You can’t tempt us digitally! No Ma’am.. unacceptable!!! 😛

    Comment by Maher Berro — 21 Feb ’11 @ 5:44 pm

  5. Khalas when I’m in Beirut I’ll make you a batch 😀

    Comment by Sahar — 22 Feb ’11 @ 4:45 pm

  6. WoooHooooooooooooo

    Comment by Maher — 22 Feb ’11 @ 4:56 pm

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