Design & Lifestyle Blog

2 Nov ’10

Restaurant Design: The Salad Shop

Filed under: Restaurants — Tags: , , — Sahar @ 5:30 pm

The Concept

With a brief to reinstate the fact that salads can be hearty meals, the Asylum went about conceiving a fresh identity for a new hospitality project in Singapore.
Calling all “herbivores, carnivores, and everything else in-between”, The Salad Shop’s image definitely battles the notion that the meal of choice is only for the health-conscious or vegetarians alone. Thanks to the branding and interior design by Asylum, this Singapore local is becoming a hot spot for its quick meals AND fun industrial design.

The strategic tagline above was born with animal silhouettes created as the cored design language to reflect the philosophy. The massive cutout shapes of forks and spoons on plywood give a glimpse that this is not your average salad bar kind of lunch spot. The hip ‘scenic’ lampshades add to the bright and eclectic interior, while cement screed flooring and plywood fittings accentuate the organic space. And how could you not notice the graphic printed stools, which definitely provide some comedic relief during mealtime. It seems like a great place for meat-eaters and veggie-only lovers to mingle.




  1. Very Interesting!

    Comment by anistabetreviews — 2 Nov ’10 @ 6:14 pm

  2. really nice!

    Comment by Asma Al Sabah — 4 Nov ’10 @ 8:36 am

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