Design & Lifestyle Blog

2 Sep ’11

11th Andreu World International Design Contest 2011 | Design Contest

Filed under: Exhibitions & Events — Tags: , — Sahar @ 1:27 pm

11 Concurso Internacional de Diseño Andreu World

Andreu World is a Soanish brand known worldwide for high quality contract furniture such as tables and chairs. Every year they arrange a contest to allow designers and design students from all ages and origins to participate and submit their chair or table design. You still have the chance to participate. below are the details, you can also check their facebook page or website for additional details. The pieces will be viewed by some of the world’s greatest designers.


From Andreu World:

Contestants: Designers of all ages, professionals and students from all fields of designs from around the world.
Design object: Chair and/or table
Prizes: 1st prize 3.000 euros, 2nd prize 1.000 euros, and 4 special mentions.
Deadline: September, 2011

In order to participate, contestants must design an item of furniture (seat or table) that contemplates all the specifications outlined by Andreu World, SA in the product .

This year’s jury:

Paolo Moroni, founder of the Sawaya & Moroni Architecture and InteriorDesign studio, Gabriele Schiavon from the La Granja Design Collective;Tobias Lutz, Director of Architonic website; interior design professional Bernadí Olegué and Paloma Leyra, editor of Harper’s Bazaar/Spain, comprise this year’s jury.

Project details:

Seating: The main material used shall be Beech wood, Oak wood or Walnut. Chairs may be upholstered to a greater or lesser extent,if considered appropriate and veneered board or plywood

– Tables: The main material used shall be Beech wood, Oak wood or Walnut. Tables may be veneered board or plywood
– The use of other materials such as metals, plastics, glass, etc. is allowed when complementary, structural or incidental to the above.

– All designs presented shall be new, not having been marketed or disclosed prior to the date of the Competition.


Possible innovative features related to design, quality, technology, production processes, etc. and in general anything that adds value to the presented project.

– Possible adaptation to the product philosophy of Andreu World S.A.
– Production costs and/or recovery.
– Functionality: fulfillment of the functions for which it has been designed.
– All-round simple and viable mass production possibilities.
– Possible versatility and suitability for development in occasional pieces such as stools, easy chairs, sofas, etc. in the case of chairs, and of different sizes and heights in the case of tables.
– Suitability to numerous ambiences and uses such as the home,
contract work, etc.


The following material must be submitted by each participant:

– A prototype of the proposed piece (scale 1:5)
– A project synopsis, to be presented on 2 to 4 double-space, single-face A4 typewritten pages. (8 ½ inches x 11 inches for projects sent from United States of America).
– CD with plans, diagrams, sketches, etc.
– Duly signed affidavit.

Particular consideration will be given to innovative contributions (based on a feasibility study), which help to increase the product quality. The following factors will be analyzed: Production costs, compliance with the intended functions and ergonomics. Designs must be submitted in such a manner as to facilitate their mechanized mass production.

All products must be original, i.e., they must not reflect previous designs.

Hope you participate, Good Luck!

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