Design & Lifestyle Blog

28 Aug ’12

Chico’s Restaurant In Finland | Restaurant Design

It is probably obvious what I loved about this space, the huge mural laid on painted bricks. I know it’s the trend now to use rustic and natural looking finishes,  I had to share this post. I have some comments regarding the design of the entire space but overall I think the designer has some interesting elements.The  old window frames, steel chairs, and bricks were beautifully integrated in the space and allowed the beautiful murals to stand out. This restauarant was designed by Amerikka Design Office.

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From the Designers:

The Chico’s restaurant chain has been serving North American food to Finns since 1991. In spring 2012, the chain’s time-honored Iso Omena (‘Big Apple’) restaurant was reopened with a bold new interior. Amerikka Design Office Ltd. had created a new space concept for the restaurant, designed to support its new food, drink and service concept. Visually, the restaurant underwent a complete transformation.

Diners and staff alike have felt at home in the restaurant: there has been positive feedback on its atmosphere, its spicy details and its solutions which make it easier to serve customers. The positivity is reflected in business figures, too.

The visual standpoint for the restaurant’s look is modern-day USA, manifested through a wild mix of urban pulse and human warmth. The restaurant interior is marked by bold expression, beautifully fading surfaces, genuine materials and murals by painters Juha Lahtinen and Samuli Suonperä.

The restaurant premises are designed to function seamlessly through all seasons and to serve a wide range of requirements. Chico’s invites customers to enjoy lunch, a drink or dinner on their own or with friends. To support the staff in their work, the restaurant facilities also comply with the chain’s service model. The change has been a success and a delight for customers and staff alike.

Amerikka Design Office

1 Sep ’11

The Tastings Room | Restaurant Design


The Tastings Room is a new addition to the heart of Singapore’s Central Business District, Marina Square with the fine combination of French/Italian bistro cuisine and wine cellar under one roof. The restaurant’s vision was to refresh the perception of wine and food culture in Singapore by providing them at affordable prices. The overall spatial experience sandwiches the crafted black volumes between two layers of industrial aesthetics: exposed ceiling and concrete screed floor, to juxtapose/merge opposing aesthetics of being sophisticated yet affordable.



The programmatic composition was divided into three areas namely Wine, Bistro and shared spaces of Wine/Bistro.  A U-shaped band of these programs was deployed as it provided the most flexible layout with regards to shared functions, main circulation and points of entry/exit.  The Central Bar sits firmly in the middle to negotiate the needs of both Wine and Bistro, as well as providing the point of sale for this establishment.The total floor area of 137 square meters has been divided percentage-wise into 7% for the ruby red wine cellar; 47% for the Wine/Bistro area which also includes the private function rooms, the storage staff area and the central bar and circulation space. The remaining 46% of the Bistro includes seating space and the kitchen.






Drawing inspiration from the outer aesthetics of the dark wine bottle and antique weaved wine basket holders, the outer skin of these volumes adopt a series of black diagonal tiles while the interiors are inspired by the “hidden” flavors of wine, taking on singular hues for rooms such as the red wine cellar and yellow kitchen.







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