Design & Lifestyle Blog

17 Nov ’14

One Hot Yoga | Studio Design

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Yoga studios are emerging almost everywhere due to the up and rising popularity of yoga and similar practices.  Designing such spaces is particularly tricky considering the effect of every element on the efficiency of yoga practice itself. I particularly liked One Hot Yoga  studio designed by  Rob Mills Architects because of the simplicity in combining materials yet respecting yoga principles.


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From the architect (who is married to a yogi):

Clean lines, recycled materials and textured fabrics create an environment that resonates with the yoga principles of calmness and contemplation. The glass-fronted foyer offers a gathering place between classes, where visitors can replenish water bottles from the stone fountain or catch up with fellow yogis.

Here, polished concrete floors, wide timber benches and a monochromatic colour scheme dressed with Australian artwork create a luxurious setting. Moving down the hall, change rooms tucked behind heavy drapes provide a spa experience in the form of deluxe showers, organic soaps and an Ayurvedic body- and hair-care range created especially for the studio.


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About One Hot Yoga & Pilates Studio

The marriage of an architect and a yogi, Rob and Lucinda Mills, One Hot Yoga & Pilates is a contemporary studio, an urban oasis in South Yarra, Melbourne. Founded in 2012, we were the first core body temperature Slow Hot Flow yoga studio in the world.

In 2014 we have expanded our offering to include Power Flow Yoga, Yin Yoga, group Reformer Pilates and Hot Mat Pilates classes and introduced three additional studio spaces, hand crafted and designed by Robert Mills Architects and Interior Designers.

The One Hot Yoga & Pilates experience is based on the point of connection between architecture, Yoga and Pilates, being that the space we inhabit, both inside and outside our bodies directly influences our physical and psychological wellbeing. We understand that living well is when our bodies are aligned; there is light, fresh air to breathe and space to move. This is the experience we have created at One.

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One Hot Yoga

Rob Mills Architects




  1. One Hot Yoga studio design is cool! I love it!

    Comment by Yoga Wear Women — 27 Nov ’14 @ 5:33 am

  2. Really nice the concept of mixing architect and a yoga!

    Comment by Eva Green — 13 Jan ’15 @ 3:58 pm

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