Design & Lifestyle Blog

15 Sep ’11

Minimalist Luxury in Cape Town | Residential Design


Designing this house had to be a very tough task. As simple and minimal as everything looks, the idea of incorporating the exterior into the interior this smoothly requires a good eye and talent. The owner wanted the entire 335 sq.m to overlook the sea, after all who wouldn’t want to take full advantage of this breathtaking view . This house is occupied by a single person who regularly has guests over, thus you can feel there are areas more public than others, yet all open and embracing the beautiful nature surrounding it. This house is located in Camp Bay, Cape Town, Africa and designed by Luis Mira Architects.

The architect used neutral materials that allowed a contrast to the very rich landscape surrounding it, thus allowing the exterior to be easily invited into the interior. Such simplicity is a perfect example of how minimal design could be so luxurious when addressed properly. Enjoy the photos below.















1 Comment »

  1. Beautiful!

    Comment by figo29 — 16 Sep ’11 @ 4:32 pm

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