Design & Lifestyle Blog

3 Apr ’13

iSaloni Design Exhibition Milan April 9-14, 2013 | Events

isaloni press conference

image taken from press conference photos

The world’s annual most anticipated Design fair takes place every April in Milan, known as

I Saloni  under which the various exhibitions take place: Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Euroluce/International Lighting Exhibition, SaloneUfficio/International Workspace Exhibition, International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition, SaloneSatellite.

The Salone Internazionale del Mobile is focused mainly on Furniture  from Italy & all over the world. The exhibitions at I Saloni are for different sectors such as lighting and kitchens.

Design Circle from Kuwait will be covering the fair with exclusive inside images to the latest releases from top brands. The coverage will be through the instagram account linked directly to their facebook, twitter, & pinterest accounts.


Photo by: Annalisa Cimmino


Jean Nouvel , Pritzker Prize 2008, was commissioned by  the Saloni for his innovative project OFFICE FOR LIVING interpreting the tremendous changes that have transformed the face of living and work spaces alike.

“ This concept of pleasure in office living is precisely what is driving “Project: office for living”.
It is a quest for new materials and new technologies for creating comfortable, effective, user-friendly and ecologically-aware environments. We need to inhabit our offices the way we inhabit our homes and our cities, because we spend just as much time in the workplace as we do in our own apartments, and everyone has a right to small pleasures – light regulation, emplacements, views, the right of expression through furniture and objects. “

Fair Dates
9-14 April 2013, 9.30 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Trade only. Open to the general public only on Saturday, April 13 and Sunday, April 14

Milan Fairgrounds, Rho (Milan)
Entrance gates: Porta Est, Porta Sud, Porta Ovest, Cargo 5 (SaloneSatellite only)

Salone Internazionale del Mobile and International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-12-14-16-18-20
Euroluce 9-11-13-15
SaloneUfficio 22-24
SaloneSatellite 22-24

Isaloni is on the following social networks:   Facebook    Twitter. They also will be having an iPhone and Android application soon.


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