Design & Lifestyle Blog

23 Oct ’10

From a Designer’s Journal: Beautiful People…

Filed under: From a Designer's Journal — Sahar @ 2:48 pm

They sometimes say that something as simple as a “smile” or a warm greeting is enough to light up a room and make your day. It’s true. But how can you explain the feeling of receiving an 80x80cm box at your office, opening it, and realizing its a huge cake from someone so refined, compassionate, artistic,educated, modest, and appreciative?  Someone who took the time out to download the sketch I drew for my blog and turn it into one of the most beautiful things anyone has ever done for me.

I thank you again Sheikha Asma, a beautiful person I am so proud and lucky to have met and know. I hope God grants you and your family all the love and health you deserve.

Thank you for making my day…


P.S. The cake tasted so great 😀


  1. OMG Sahar..believe me when i say.."meeting you is one of the best thing happened to me in my life!! you might thing but WHY??
    my answer will be…you and Tania made a big huge effect on my personality and i will be grateful for ever!!
    remember..We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love!!
    May God Bless you ,your family and your friends!!

    Comment by Asma Al Sabah — 24 Oct ’10 @ 11:49 pm

  2. lovely blog 🙂 keep it up

    Comment by her — 27 Oct ’10 @ 11:01 pm

  3. Thx! Appreciate it!

    Comment by Sahar — 27 Oct ’10 @ 11:15 pm

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