Design & Lifestyle Blog

17 Sep ’10

Contact Me

Filed under: — Sahar @ 11:32 pm

I would love to hear from you!

For any inquiry or suggestion kindly contact me on :


  1. cool blog ! 🙂 Intrestig for me, hope that you will continue as.

    Comment by Dmitrij — 6 Oct ’10 @ 10:24 am

  2. Thanx! Appreciate your comment 🙂

    Comment by Sahar — 6 Oct ’10 @ 10:27 am

  3. looooooooooool the name of the blog is to much.
    vous etes francaise ou arabe?
    good luck

    Comment by Soulq8 — 30 Dec ’10 @ 12:34 pm

  4. My French is not that good 😀 I am Lebanese, I explained the reason behind the blog's name in the "About". 😀 thanx!

    Comment by Sahar — 30 Dec ’10 @ 12:37 pm

  5. Hi Sahar, Thank you for writing about my work! I will be having a one-person show at 571 Projects here in New York opening Thurday 5 May. If you are in New York, hope you can come! Best ever, Leah

    Comment by Leah Durner — 24 Jan ’11 @ 9:17 pm

  6. Its a pleasure! I love your work! will update the post with the info you just provided, I hope i will be able to make it! Good luck!

    Comment by Sahar — 27 Jan ’11 @ 11:29 pm

  7. i really love this blog. i am into arts, any kind of art and tht’s why i am into your blog.
    i am a designer and photographer and i do always read and research a lot about art and design.
    Wishing you the best ! 🙂

    Thank you!

    Comment by Sana'a Habib — 28 Jan ’11 @ 11:50 pm

  8. i really love this blog. i am into arts, any kind of art and tht's why i am into your blog.
    i am a designer and photographer and i do always read and research a lot about art and design.
    Wishing you the best ! 🙂

    Thank you!

    Comment by Sana'a Habib — 28 Jan ’11 @ 11:50 pm

  9. Glad you like it, I m really flattered 🙂 Thank you for your kind words, hope you keep passing by 🙂

    Comment by Sahar — 29 Jan ’11 @ 1:30 am

  10. hello Sahar

    I'm Helene the community manager of bareminerals in France and I just read your review about your experience about our foundation. Great news you like it and i'm proud you had a great experience with our team @sephora. (i guess it was on the sephora on the champs elysées, wasn't it ? because we have our own BE staff to welcome customers and do the Swirl tap buff)
    If you come from Lebanon may be you have some friends who are speaking also french, I'm in charge of the french facebook fan : and I got already a few fans from lebanon. welcome to BE and don't hesitate to contact US facebook page or french facebook page for any question

    Comment by helene — 9 Feb ’11 @ 2:58 pm

  11. Thank you Helene! It's nice you get to check your clients' feedback 🙂 Yes it was at Champs Elysee and the lady who assisted us was wonderful. I look forward to try more of your products, thank u:)

    Comment by Sahar — 9 Feb ’11 @ 11:03 pm

  12. very nice blog
    i would like to see updated threads from you
    and to post your design also .. why not !!

    Comment by Kinan Safi — 3 Apr ’11 @ 11:54 am

  13. Thank you very much:)

    Comment by Sahar — 13 Apr ’11 @ 7:31 pm

  14. Hello, Love your blog but I wish you'd add RSS Feeds so we can put on google reader.

    Comment by Joelle — 13 Apr ’11 @ 6:14 pm

  15. Thank u! I added it right now hope I did it right 🙂

    Comment by Sahar — 13 Apr ’11 @ 7:30 pm

  16. Hi , can u send me ur email ?? need to send u a query

    Comment by Wafa Roz — 27 Nov ’13 @ 2:18 pm

  17. hello, it\’s

    Comment by Sahar — 27 Nov ’13 @ 5:24 pm

  18. was out of country !! sure will do …thxxx

    Comment by Wafa Roz — 12 Dec ’13 @ 9:17 am

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