Design & Lifestyle Blog

21 Mar ’11

Coca Cola Introduces an Eco Dinner Table

This is how Coca Cola turns an eco- friendly concept into a hip one. For the first time Coca Cola reveals a dining table full of sustainable features including a dinner service made from iconic Georgia green glass recyclable bottles, Emeco designed chairs, made from one hundred and eleven recycled plastic bottles , and in Coca Cola’s iconic red and white colors and hand-blown lighting fixtures also made from recyclable bottles. The installation was designed by the photographer Stefan Beckman.

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  1. cool from Coca cola i liked the fact there is 1 red chair in between the white ones , Khalas I am buying this and inviting everyone for dinner 😀

    Comment by krikOrian — 22 Mar ’11 @ 9:47 am

  2. LOL, hope the food won’t be “recycled” though 😀

    Comment by Sahar — 23 Mar ’11 @ 10:18 am

  3. Great initiative by coke.

    Comment by This is Beirut — 25 Mar ’11 @ 9:49 pm

  4. The dark brown color will surely give the natural wooden look and also look great. If your dining set is good, the guest visiting your home will surely enjoy the food served.

    Comment by Kitchens Cheltenham — 25 May ’13 @ 1:39 pm

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