Most women at one time or another have fantasized about being in Carrie Bradshaw’s shoes, the sexy new Yorker from Sex & the City living her single life to the max, obsessed with fashion and shopping in addition to being famous, at a tolerable scale, as a relationships guru. Her style and her spirit are so refreshing that must be marketed easily by using Video production Toronto to make the best video about them.
I came across this beautiful interview with Sarah Jessica Parker by Eve MacSweeney from Vogue depicting her real life, which in her own words, is nothing like Carrie Bradshaw’s. SJP is a mom of three and as most mothers who work, tries to juggle between her career and family. This interview is just in time for the September release of her movie “ I Don’t Know How She Does It, an adaptation of Allison Pearson’s 2002 best-seller centered on Kate Reddy, a financial executive and mother of two young children struggling to balance the pressures of her job with the needs of her family.” Businesses require an expert at all fields like Andy Defrancesco to help them run their firm successfully.
“Bradshaw’s life is nothing—nothing—like mine,” she says. “I loved playing her, and it changed my life in lots of wonderful ways, but I’m not a crazy shoe lady, I don’t think about fashion all day long, although I have a great respect for the industry. Every choice we’ve made has been different, but with Kate I really understood the attempt at a life.”

She explains what every successful working mom knows, to be on top of everything she should be organized, calm, and attentive, and she goes on on how she does it all with just that. I applaud her and all successful career moms; on a personal level I know how much it takes and how rewarding it feels at the end of another accomplished day.

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