Design & Lifestyle Blog

9 Nov ’10

Amazing Concept for the Olympic Tower of 2016

Filed under: Architecture — Tags: , — Sahar @ 10:00 pm

“This vertical structure will be placed in Cotonduba Island. It will be both an observation Tower, and a welcome sign for the visitors arriving by air and by Sea at Rio de Janeiro, where the Olympic Games 2016 will take place.”

“The project is from Zurique, and utilizes solar energy during the day with its solo power panels, to pump the sea water as seen in the model. The movement of the water will be also utilized to turn the turbines and produce the power to work the system at night time.”



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  1. thanks for sharing our content 🙂

    Comment by evan — 10 Nov ’10 @ 10:53 am

  2. Thank you for providing the info for me to share 🙂

    Comment by Sahar — 10 Nov ’10 @ 12:44 pm

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