A Toast to You , Happy New Year !!

It’s that time of the year where most of us look back and evaluate our actions, reactions, and whether we could have done any better given the circumstances. I look back to remember if anything significant happened and its tough because every event was part of a sequence, part of a series of mini events that seemed only natural at the time. Many of which I would not have ever anticipated of when the year started.

This is the reason we all check out our horoscopes at the beginning of each year in search of what may happen. Most of us don’t keep a log of the “events to take place” and we barely remember if any of them were true, yet we still read them. Its part of human nature I guess to look for hope everywhere. This hope is the fuel for the engine that keeps us striving and living for tomorrow.

I do not usually keep any resolutions, but I know I want to be better in every way, everyday. I look back and see what I have achieved then directly look forward and move on. During 2010 I started this blog and I love it more and more everyday. The ability to share information, to get feedback, to engage with everyone around me, and most importantly make friends from all over the world is a gem. Through this blog and twitter I have managed to enter a world I would have never dreamed of entering. Whoever criticizes social media negatively, is probably doing it all wrong.

I am glad to have met you, during the coming year I plan on enlarging my circle of friends and getting to know you better. There is nothing better than learning from others and yet teaching and sharing what you acquire.

I look forward to 2011, as I look forward to the course of every year. I look forward to getting to know you more and sharing more.

I am blessed to have this space to wish you a safe year, that’s all you need from anyone, the rest is up to you and how you turn each day to your advantage.


Happy 2011!

From a Designer’s Journal: Heard of “Marmorino”?

This is a true story  as shared by Pascale A.

Being an architect or an interior designer is a serious job; obviously, when you are dealing with people’s lifestyle, money and dreams, issues should not be taken lightly.

However you sometimes come across situations where nothing can be done; the client dropped in without an appointment and you are running late with the design because urgent daily chores distracted you from the “creative” process. Such situations may be disastrous for your reputation and pace of work. But positive people always know how to turn their frowns into smiles. The result is: a hilarious situation.

I was working with a team a while back, and the secretary sent us a message to go meet Mrs. X who was waiting outside to discuss the status of her project . Don’t get me wrong, but this type of “Parachute client” makes all professionals go crazy. Unprepared, we all started running for materials, looking for the drawings we sketched earlier, and operating frantically in the office to prepare what is supposed to be “the client’s design file”. Needless to say, the file was a disaster.

The client entered the meeting where there were two designers. The leading designer opened the file to discuss the apartment in question and his eyes popped out as he flipped the drawings, having nothing but primitive, conceptual sketches which are not for clients to see. He looked at the client, turned the file upside down on the table, paused, and smiled: “We are preparing something unique for your apartment”, he said. Then looked at the other designer and said, “tell her what we are preparing ”. The confused designer started looking around the office, seeking inspiration and said: “you see that drawing? It will be like this but much better!” Both were describing moods that every client would be delighted to hear.They spoke of the colors, and even of non-existent materials, they showed her a Travertino marble (very commonly used but ofcourse the client has no idea) and told her it’s MARMORINO,yes you heard me, Marmorino, that’s how creative they were (BTW Marmorino is a kind a plaster finish applied to walls and means “little" marble” and is not an actual marble) .The client seemed reluctant when the meeting kicked off, but after hearing the dreams and lies she felt overwhelmed by the lively discussion and attention that the staff were giving to her project. She was then relaxed and interacting in the conversation enthusiastically. She left the office with a big smile of satisfaction and promised to come in the following week to approve the final details. The designers exhaled, then laughed hysterically at was considered a professional catastrophe!

Now don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t happen alot, but if it does happen, this is the typical scenario yet with an uncertain outcome. The situation was saved by the complicity of two architects, trying to sell a design that didn’t exist yet under the thrill of the moment.

The morale of the story is this: if you are a client, never come to your designer without an appointment. If you do, expect all kinds of bull….

Pascale A.

From a Designer’s Journal: Beautiful People…

They sometimes say that something as simple as a “smile” or a warm greeting is enough to light up a room and make your day. It’s true. But how can you explain the feeling of receiving an 80x80cm box at your office, opening it, and realizing its a huge cake from someone so refined, compassionate, artistic,educated, modest, and appreciative?  Someone who took the time out to download the sketch I drew for my blog and turn it into one of the most beautiful things anyone has ever done for me.

I thank you again Sheikha Asma, a beautiful person I am so proud and lucky to have met and know. I hope God grants you and your family all the love and health you deserve.

Thank you for making my day…


P.S. The cake tasted so great 😀

From a Designer’s Journal: When to Draw the Line

Seriously, I love every client I have worked with, even those who have made me suffer endless days and nights. Each one of them has imprinted memories in my head that I will never forget. Many people don’t realize how personal the relationship with  interior designer gets and forget that this is the person they will be sharing very intimate details with. But how close should the relationship be?

As in every industry, you have to understand your client. You have to listen, absorb, and analyze. The world is full of different tastes, similar to finger prints, almost no two are the same. Trust me I have been a witness of disastrous family fights over a toilet seat or a light bulb. If your design fails, it means you have not listened.

But when is being close too much? When do you draw the line?


From a Designer’s Journal…

Ok, if you are a designer living in the Arab world you will probably guess what this is about. As designers, our job is one of the most underestimated in terms of value, any value be it monetary or appreciation.The notion  is that if it is not concrete, i.e. not something sold at a shop, then it has no physical value. I am not generalizing of course or that will be offensive to those clients my fellow designers and I have had great relationships with over the years and who actually appreciate the fact that a design job is best designed by a designer and not the carpenter who did a nice door for a  cousin, no offense intended I love carpenters and work with them all the time!  I will be posting such short incidents that either happened with me or other designers to lighten things up yet at the same time throw in a message that involves our job. I would love for anyone of you reading this and who would like to share a story or a certain point to email me and share with us, it would really be nice and add a personal aspect to the great creations designers come up with.

A very dear friend and talented interior architect was discussing this with me and sent me this:

What is an Interior Architect?


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