Design & Lifestyle Blog

11 Sep ’11

No More Tears With The Tangle Teezer | Product Review

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: , , — Sahar @ 7:00 am


Most of us as girls have suffered from tangled hair and tearful mornings when moms would rip our hair apart  to put it up in a pony tail, a style appropriate for school. My daughter starts school in a week and I was actually dreading the fact that we would start fighting every morning. I came across Toni & Guy’s tweets the other day mentioning the magic of the Tangle Teezer. I asked them if it was good to use on little girls, right away I got a reply that they would send me the “magic” brush for both of us to try.

I was a bit skeptical since my daughter’s hair is very difficult, and I have seen the faces my hairdresser in Lebanon makes when he sees me coming in, my hair looks very soft but the dirty secret I always had was that it was one of the worst hairs to be detangled.

I am not exaggerating when I say we fell in love with them and spent the afternoon brushing our hair in disbelief, this is the only reason I am sharing this with you, because it would be wrong if I didn’t!

Now my daughter looks forward to brushing her hair (with her special magic flower pot tangle teezer) and is even asking me to style it for her, using ONLY her magic brush. She even asked me to straighten it for her, for the first time ever. I will be getting a few of those brushes, especially since they have the compact ones made for travel. The best part is that you can use it on wet hair and even in the shower when you feel like applying a deep conditioner and brushing it through.

Try it and you won’t want to use any other brush again.


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