Design & Lifestyle Blog

17 Jun ’12

Ammo Restaurant In Hong Kong | Restaurant Design

New York based architects Todd Williams & Billie Tsien were commissioned to create a landmark building for the Hong Kong Asia Society as for their new headquarters.

Joyce Wang, an interior designer who made a great impact only 3 years ago, created an exceptional space using sculptural designs in every item especially the spiral staircase chandeliers made of copper cylinders filling up the 6m high ceiling. These sculptures are repeated 3 times to create a theme. The detailing and finishes are very luxurious, with the use of vevet and leather in addition to the copper.

The source of inspiration for AMMO was derived from a science fiction film noir masterpiece directed by Jean-Luc Godard known as ‘Alphaville’. This particular 1960’s influence is one of the jewel attributes as to why this space has such importance.”

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