Design & Lifestyle Blog

29 Aug ’12

Celebrities Made Out Recycled Cassettes | Art

Filed under: Art & Photography,blog — Tags: , , , , — Sahar @ 2:01 pm

To be able to use such a simple material and make something so beautiful out of it is what we know as art.

In her series ‘Ghost in the Machine’,Princeton-based artist Erika Iris showcases a number of portraits of musicians made out of recycled cassette tape with original cassette. Also included are portraits made from old film and reels. She was inspired by philosopher Gilbert Ryle. She says she imagines”we are all, like cassettes, thoughts wrapped up in awkward packaging”.

“Most of my pieces become portraits of people associated with the item I’ve chosen. I don’t really add any paint or pigments… I usually just take things apart and re-arrange the pieces, cutting away portions when necessary. A lot of my art is made with cassette tapes and old film reels in a series I call “Ghost in the Machine.”


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